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HTML Primer

Lesson 1: Web Development (Level: Beginner) - Go to Lesson 2 | Go to Lesson 3

What is HTML

When you open up your Internet Explorer or Netscape (other Internet BROWSERS include AOL's browser and MSN browser that are based on Netscape or Internet Explorer), you get to see a pretty website with text, pictures, and sometimes video and sound. What is really happening here is that a text file is describing (to the browser program) what the web page should look like. The text may say things like "center this picture here," and "underline this text there." Even though you do not see these instructions, they are there...even on this web page.

The browser knows what part of the text document are instructions, and what part of the text must be displayed. The way to tell the browser the instructions is to wrap the code around brackets: <whatever instructions> The language you use to write these browser instructions is called Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and you would save this text file as a: filename.htm

Let us do a web page together from scratch so that you can see how simple it is:

  1. Open your text editor program (Comes free with every computer: Notepad(PC) and SimpleText(MAC))
  2. Type the following (or copy and paste) the following:


    <title>Your web page title goes here</title>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
    Your web page content: Text, Pictures, Movies, Animation, etc. goes here

    The letters in red/italics is what you will type, and the rest in bold text is something you will have to put always. This tells the browser that it is not a text file, but an html page. Notice how every command wrapped in ("<command>") these brakets, have an ending command with the backslash ("</command>") called the closing command. The closing command lets the web page know where the title ends, where the html ends, etc. Without it, the web page would not know when to stop creating the title and where to start creating the body text. (Sometimes HTML is forgiving, but there are some cases where poor HTML will look bad.)
  3. After you type the above code into the text editor, go to File > Save (this will open the Save Dialog Box window) and save your file as mywebpage.htm. Make sure that you select "All Files" under the Save as Type menu area in the Save Dialog Box.
  4. Open your BROWSER and go to File > Open and browse for your mywebpage.htm file. When you click on it, you should see "Your web page title goes here" on the title of the browser and "Your web page content: Text, Pictures, Movies, Animation, etc. goes here" in the main area of the browser. If you see all the coding, the browser thought you were opening this file as text, and therefore will show you the text file you created as is. (To fix this, open your txt file in notepad again, and go to File > Save as, and save it correctly as mentioned in step 3. You probably did not change the Save as Type option.)
  5. Go back to your notepad file and edit some of the stuff you wrote in red. Make sure you hit File > Save, and then go to the browser and hit the refresh or reload button. The browser refresh button looks for the most recently saved html file. (If you do not see the updates, you probably forgot to save the html or your refresh button may be looking at the cache [memory that does not realize that things have been changed]. In the case of the cache memory problem, hit the CTRL key while pressing the Refresh/Reload button.)
  6. You should now have your first web page with text content. Feel free to edit/add or play with the content to make more pages. Do a File > Save As, and save a page1.htm, page2.htm, etc. Usually, you want to make your home page file name index.htm. This is a standard to allow people who visit the www.nasa.gov site to automatically get the default htm file. If you do not have an index.htm file then every user who visits your page has to type "www.yourwebdomain.com/yourpagename.htm". As you can see, it is nicer to have the users just type "www.yourwebdomain.com" only, and not "www.yourdomain.com/index.htm". We will learn how to create links next. Links allow you to jump from one web page to another. The power of the internet lies in the fact that your personal page on airplanes for example, can link to other sites on airplanes (e.g. NASA Aeronautics pages, LTP's Beginners Guide to Aeronautics).

For those eager to learn more, look at other people's website to see how they create their html code. Look at the HTML file code by going to the browser's menu, and click under View > Source: the HTML code should appear in your computer's default text editor.

Lesson 2: Web Development (Level: Beginner) - Back to Lesson 1 | Go to Lesson 3

HTML formatting, images and links

By now you should understand how to write any text to a web page. This lesson will teach you how to format text, add images, create links between other web pages you create, and links with other people's web pages. Once you learn the basics of formatting, image placement, and linking, it will be up to you to view the souce code (HTML) of other pages to learn new specific HTML code that you prefer on your site. Let's take the example from lesson 1:


<title>Your web page title goes here</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<center>Your web page content: Hello thank you for visiting my website!</center><p>
I like swimming, running, and hiking.

Notice the new command HTML code/tag in bold. Again, also notice the closing command. This tells the web page to center the stuff between the commands: <center>The stuff here is centered.</center> so the page should look something like this:

Your web page content: Hello thank you for visiting my website!

I like swimming, running, and hiking.

If you forgot to close the center command, or if you purposely place it after the word hiking, then your page would look something like this. Notice that the web page does not know when to stop centering without the ending center command (</center>).

Your web page content: Hello thank you for visiting my website!

I like swimming, running, and hiking.

The <p> command/tag is a hard "carriage" return. Again, it is good practice to be specific about your HTML tags even though HTML will assume things for you and will even create hard/soft returns for you.


Now lets add an image:

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
Your web page content: Hello thank you for visiting my website!</center><p>
I like swimming, running, and hiking.<p>
<img src="images/yourpicture.gif" alt="This is a picture of me!">

The above bold command/tag tells the page to add a picture after the word hiking. Type in the bold command, and then in quotes, type in the name of the picture file (GIF or JPG only, PNG is not supported on all browsers yet.). You can type "images/yourpicture.gif"(Relative pathing-you choose files relative to where this htm file is.) if you made a folder in your web folder called images. The page looks into the images folder and then looks for the gif or jpg. If you just made one web folder and put your htm files and your picture files in the same web folder, then you would type <img src="yourpicture.gif">. You do not need to specify the folder that you are in. The alt command is a description of the picture. If you rollover an image and leave it there for a few second, the description of the picture will appear. This is especially important in complying with Section 508 (site accessability). Blind people can still understand the importance of the picture by using a special web reader that looks for alt tags associated with pictures.

Technically speaking, if you were doing a web page that is local to your PC, you can type in <img src="C:/MYWEBPAGES/web/images/yourpicture.gif">, (Absolute pathing-you choose files using the absolute path to the file name form the root directory.) but if you decide to move the web page to a different computer, then you would have to hunt all the code that includes the reference to C: and change it to the correct folder structure. The only time you really want and have to use absolute pathing is when you are linking to an image (or file) on someone elses computer or website like so: <img src="http://www.nasa.gov/yourpicture.gif">


A link allows the user to jump to other web pages. Using the same idea as above, a link command must surrount the text or images that will act as the hot-spot that the user will click on.

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
Your web page content: Hello thank you for visiting my website!</center><p>
I like swimming, running, and hiking.<p>
<a href="http://www.nasa.gov">This text and everything around the a href and ending a command will be a link to the nasa web page...including the following picture since it is also between the commands. <img source="images/yourpicture.gif" alt="This is a picture of me!"></a>

Relative pathing vs. Absolute pathing also applies with the lnks. The nasa link above is an absolute link to the nasa web page, but a line like this: <a href="page2.htm> Whatever link! </a> will take the user to page 2 of your web page.

Extra information: <a href="sgweb3.htm" target="_blank">
You can add the extra command target to specify how your new page will be displayed. If you do not include this command, your existing web page will be replaced with the new linked page. If you write target="_blank" like above, your new web page will open in a new window, so there will actually be two web pages diplayed at the same time.

Lesson 3: Web Development (Level: Beginner) -
Back to Lesson 1
| Back to Lesson 2

HTML creation software

If you are serious about web development (design, programming, etc.), HTML is a language you should become very familiar with along with JavaScript which we will get into later. For those who just want to create simple pages and do not want to understand how HTML works, there are special software programs that let you create your web page by drag-and-click icons. This lesson will talk about the various options available to the HTML-phobic public. Keep in mind that using this software will still help you understand HTML since most of these programs allow you to view the HTML that the software program is writing for you. In addition, professionals who know HTML like "the back of their hands" also use these software programs for efficient web development.

Netscape Composer (Comes with your computer if you have Netscape)
Open up Netscape, go to the Communicator menu and select Composer. A new window will pop up and you can start creating your web page without writing any HTML code.


Microsoft FrontPage

Macromedia Dreamweaver (Go to www.macromedia.com for cost and information)
Professional web creation software: Includes template, web management tools, and javascript functionality.

Note: Some Microsoft Office tools like Word, Excel, etc. and other software programs from various companies include the option to save your files into an HTML format. Sometimes the HTML file they make for you is not practical due to size (big file size means slow downloading time). Check your HTML files to see if this is a problem. Some programs will actually fix the HTML file and make it more download friendly.

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